Dentek Complete Clean Flosspicks (40 pcs.)
Very strong flosspicks for narrow gaps
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Dentek Complete Clean Flosspicks
The Dentek Complete Clean Flossspicks now makes it very easy to clean the teeth optimally. The very strong floss can even clean the smallest and most inaccessible spots in the mouth.
With the scaling tool, the tooth surface will be cleaned to remove plaque and stains. The scrubbing floss very deeply cleans between tight teeth and guarantee not to break. Last but not least, the bristled pick has a double cleaning power and gum stimulation.
Usermanual Dentek Complete Clean Flosspicks
- Stand in front of a mirror and open your mouth wide;
- Gently pass the Dentek Complete Clean Flosspick through each gap between the teeth;
- Then use the bristled pick to move between the teeth to remove any remaining debris;
- For best results, after flossing, we recommend rinsing the teeth with an active oxygen based mouthwash such as OraVall Mouthwash.