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Dentek Flosspicks On-The-Go (12 pcs.)

Two sets of flossers and sticks for travelling

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Dentek Flosspicks On-The-Go

You want to be sure of fresh breath and clean teeth even when you are on the road. That's why Dentek now has Flosspicks On-The-Go. With the handy storage case the flosspicks stay hygienic and are very easy to take with you.

Dentek Flosspicks are widely used worldwide for cleaning the teeth. The flosspicks protect against bacteria caused by food waste, plaque and tartar. The Dentek Flosspicks On-The-Go are suitable for teeth with tight gaps and for sensitive gums.

Regular flossing prevents inflammation, cavities and bad breath. The Dentek Flosspicks come in two boxes with 6 flosspicks each.

Usermanual Dentek Flosspicks On-The-Go

  1. Stand in front of a mirror and open your mouth wide;
  2. Place the floss between two teeth and floss gently up and down between the teeth;
  3. When this has been done for all teeth: place the end (the stick) between two teeth and move it gently back and forth, touching the gums;
  4. For best results, after flossing, we recommend rinsing the mouth with The Breath Co. Mouthwash after flossing.

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Dentek Flosspicks On-The-Go (12 pcs.)
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